26 Apr Finding Rocks
My bedrock passion is photography. It began over 50 years ago when my dad took me to Michael’s Camera on Short St in Lexington and let me pick out a camera, a Pentax H1a. The next year, mom gave me a little starter darkroom with the dimmest amber safe-light and a little tri-pack of chemistry, enough to fill up 5×7 trays. There I met magic; with certitude, I knew – This was mine; this was something I would do.
On the journey to climb the photographic mountain, I found inspiration in others who stood atop the mountain’s crest. Along the way, Ansel Adams with zone system; Cartier Bresson’s intuition to release the shutter with synchronicity that expresses action; and far too numerous other photographic giants to name. I hope time permits me to continue exploring my mountain. The monochromatic print is a timeless medium. From the distant era of the daguerreotype type, through the bygone age of the zone system and silver photography and now upward into the digital days of giclée printmaking on museum rag, I stand on my bedrock and gaze upward at all the possibilities.
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